Friday, March 18, 2011

April-Almost Booked!

I've now got two parties booked for April, so I'm almost full. If anyone wants to host a party now is a good time to contact me because May and June are going to be harder months for me to schedule since it's planting season. But I am so thrilled that I've had such great luck booking parties! And I still have at least one person at every party who says to me, "I had never even heard of 31 Gifts before I got invited to this party. This stuff is so cute/fun, I want everything!" Hearing people say that literally makes my day! My party sales have been awesome, just closed two more $500 parties today!
On another note, I am so excited for the recruiting ban to be lifted because I have one person who is really interested and said she'll probably sign up. And I have another person who is semi-interested but I'm pretty sure I can convince her to sign up as well. I'm totally shooting to be a director by the end of the year! I can't wait!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March Madness

Well, I survived the five parties in ten days. One was amazing, over $1000 in sales! A couple others weren't quite as successful but still did good. I was thrilled with my overall February sales and am hoping to match them this month! I've got two parties that I'm almost ready to close right now, and then I have a catalog party to close this weekend or early next week. And then next Thursday will be my last party this month, so it'll be nice to have the last part of the month off and not be rushing to enter a party at the last minute. Then April 1st I have a party so I'll be starting off with the parties right away in April!
One thing I want to mention is that my sponsor Mandi finally got her promotion to Director this month! Yay! I'm so happy to be a part of such an amazing company and have such great leaders to look up to!