Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adding to my team!

Today was exciting for me because my Aunt Linda who lives in Hiawatha, Kansas signed up to be a 31 Gifts consultant and I couldn't be happier! She is a stay at home mom like me, she works part-time cleaning houses so that she has a flexible schedule to be able to go to her kids' school events. And she's been looking for something fun to do to get out of the house and make a little extra money. So when I signed up for 31 Gifts and started spreading the word she was really interested in the company. She, like me, is excited about the fact that no one in her area sells 31 so she'll be the first!

I can't wait for Linda to start booking parties and see just how easy it is to have a lot of fun working for 31 Gifts!

I just love how easy it has been to book parties and spread interest. And I really am always looking to add more amazing people to my team! So if you know of anyone looking for a fun opportunity to meet new people and make a little money, send them my way!

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