Sunday, February 13, 2011

Five Parties...Ten Days...Yikes!

When I first signed up with 31 Gifts, my initial goal was to meet the 12 parties in 90 days so that I could get all of the Start Swell incentives. I made that goal with a few days to spare. And once I reached that goal, I figured I'd be perfectly content to do one or two parties a month. That hasn't been the case however. I can't complain one bit that starting Tuesday the 15th, I'll have my ten day of pure madness! Five parties, in ten days, plus throw in two nights of bowling, two days of watching a friend's girls, and an overnight stay at Adventureland Inn and you have ten days of insanity!
But despite the fact that I know I'll be feeling just like a chicken with it's head cut off for ten days, I wouldn't want it any other way! Lol! Well, maybe a little less crazy. I just can't get over how incredibly wonderful it has been for me to be able to sell products that I love and have such good luck booking parties! My next goal is to get a few more recruits under my belt. That goal however is indefinitely on hold. Due to the immense amount of growth, 31 Gifts has put a temporary freeze on new consultants. So if anyone is thinking about signing up you'll have to wait a little while. I don't know yet when the freeze will be thawed, but I'll let you know!

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